Genghis Khan is considered by many to be perhaps the greatest
conqueror of all time (sorry, Guillaume de Normandie), and ruled
over an empire that at its peak spanned as far west as modern-day
Poland and as far east as the Russian Pacific seaboard. Mongolia
today is a ‘fraction’ of that size but still in the world’s top 20 largest
countries and would knock Kazakhstan down into 10th place if you
included the Mongolic autonomous region of the People’s Republic
of China1. As the least densely populated country in the world it
fits the population of Wales into a land mass the size of Western
Europe. It’s that empty.
I was fortunate to have visited this beautiful landlocked country
three years ago and journey overland through the Gobi desert and
beyond. As is customary we travelled in a convoy, not because we
were important (far from it!) but because if you break down out
there, no one is going to find you. The lack of mobile reception was
part of the ‘Detox draw’ but with that comes no search and rescue.
That 10yr old land cruiser might have served you well in the past
but it can still go wrong (and it did). In the vast empty Mongolian
plains, you need a back-up plan.
The same can be said for modern portfolio design. For years
investors have relied on the classic ‘60/40’ portfolio (consisting
of 60% equities and 40% bonds) which has provided investors a
handsome return - and diversification - through the great 30-year
bond bull market. Going forward however the maths just doesn’t
stack up; a 30 year annualised return of 5.2% but a yield today
of sub 1%2. As we see increasingly these days bonds are not the
antidote to a sell off in equities, they can be the cause. Recent
wobbles in equity markets have followed moves higher in bond
yields and some of the most sensitive names to this creep higher
are the growthier tech companies whose future earnings growth
feels the negative effect of a higher discount rate more acutely.
With a handful of these ‘FAANG’ier3 type names driving index
performance due to their size and concentration, it is unsurprising
that the rate effect has become more pronounced.
Indeed, it was arguably ever lower rates that helped lift the
information technology sector weight, within the US equity
market, to its post 2001 TMT highs in the first place. At 0.345 the
three-month bond – equity correlation is currently at its highest
level for over five years, having only briefly been higher in the last
twenty. ‘Correlation does not imply causation’ goes the saying
but the effect is evident today. Add to this several testing liquidity
episodes in the last few years for US Treasuries, the world’s most
liquid ‘risk free’ asset, and investors would be wise to hedge their
diversification bets.
At Momentum we have long advocated embedding a truly multi
asset exposure into client portfolios and funds. Our multi asset,
multi style and multi manager approach builds in additional
diversification levers that help to smooth the investment journey
that we create for our clients. Credit, convertibles, inflation linked
bonds, infrastructure, property, gold and alternatives are among
the asset classes we use to build portfolios, whilst value, quality
and growth exposure provides style diversification. Our modelling
shows that over the last 20 years a broad strategic asset allocation
increases the diversification benefits of a 60/40 portfolio by over
70%4. Some currency exposure is naturally embedded within
both allocations but an explicit exposure to a perceived haven
currency like the Japanese Yen could further improve the portfolio
effect. The inflated returns from Developed Market sovereign
bonds in recent decades may give false comfort to those banking
on the same for the future. Yes, bonds are an important part of a
multi asset portfolio but today arguably provide more of a ‘return
free risk’ than a ‘risk free return’. By diversifying your diversifiers
you can reduce your risk of coming unstuck in the proverbial
investment desert.
1Source: Wikipedia;
2Source: JP Morgan Global Government Bond index;
3The FAANG index refers to Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google. They represent 17.4% of the S&P500 index by market value today;
4The diversification benefit for a multi asset portfolio was 2.6% compared to 1.5% for a risk equivalent global 60/40 portfolio;
5Source: MGIM
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