The Renaissance marked the transition from Middle Ages to
modernity in 15th and 16th century Europe. A fairly significant
event! We now appear to be witnessing another renaissance – a
Value Renaissance. Whilst probably not as significant in the history
of world civilisation, similarities do exist in the origin of the two.
The European Renaissance began after the Crisis of the Last
Middle Ages, a series of catastrophes that rocked Europe, including
the Great Famine and infamous pandemic – the Black Death.
Combined, these reportedly wiped out half of Europe’s population1.
Whilst still tragic for too many, thank goodness Covid-19 has not
proved as deadly!
A little over 6 months ago on Monday 9th November, US
pharmaceutical giant, Pfizer, and German based, BioNTech,
announced successful results from a Phase 3 study of their vaccine
with more than 90% efficacy against the Coronavirus.
This led to the biggest reversal in fortune for value versus growth
in a long time. On the day of Pfizer and BioNTech’s announcement,
value outperformed growth by 4.4% on a global basis - a
10-sigma event2; or in other words, a level of outperformance not
even expected to occur once every billion years3 (the Earth was
formed 4.5 billion years ago4). This, of course, assumes returns
are normally distributed, which they are not, but I’ll leave that for
another day.
Aside from brief periods of modest outperformance as the global
economy emerged from the fallout of the Global Financial Crisis
and then again from the depths of the European Sovereign Debt
Crisis, value has not trumped growth since the mid-noughties5.
For the best part of a decade, growth has outperformed value,
supported by a global experiment conducted by central banks
in which many savers have been charged for depositing cash
(negative interest rates) and government spending is supported
by the money printing presses (quantitative easing). This
outperformance of growth versus value accelerated in 2019 and
2020, leaving global growth stocks a staggering 134% ahead of
global value stocks over the decade prior to the Pfizer/BioNTech
vaccine news5.
Why can we be so confident that it’s values time to shine?
Firstly, just as the sacking of Tony Dye at Phillips & Drew Fund
Management in March 2000 served as the canary in the coal mine
for the collapse of the Dot Com boom, several high-profile value
managers were fired, left the industry or chose to close shop last
US based, value focussed AJO, announced it was shutting its
operations on 31st December 2020, not that long after Mark
Barnett lost the mandate to manage the Edinburgh Investment
Trust and Keystone Investment Trust due to underperformance.
Famously contrarian and value oriented, Alastair Munday, also
threw in the towel and exited the industry to pursue a career in
Secondly, value had underperformed growth for so long, it quite
simply had to end at some point – it could not have continued
forever. Extreme moves in the prevailing direction of a trend
usually precede a reversal of that trend and that is exactly what
we witnessed last year – two thirds of the outperformance of
growth came through in just 10 months of 2020 prior to the Pfizer/
BioNTech vaccine announcement.
Thirdly, it has been observed that value as a factor typically
performs strongly during periods when government bond yield
curves are steepening i.e. when the yield on 10 year government
debt minus the yield on 2 year government debt is increasing, and
they have been doing just that for over a year now. Crucially, they
are not yet as steep as they have been in past cycles, suggesting a
supportive backdrop for value investors for some time to come.
Lastly, we are witnessing it first-hand in the funds we manage on
your behalf. The direct UK equity portfolio in our UK domiciled
funds has a value bias and has rallied over 50% post the positive
vaccine news which compares to a mere 17% gain for the FTSE
All Share6. Similarly, many of the value oriented third party equity
managers that we invest in have sharply outperformed regional
benchmark indices.
The value rally won’t last forever, but whilst it does, we intend to
enjoy the ride.
1Crisis of the Late Middle Ages - Wikipedia
2Bloomberg – MSCI All Country World Value Index vs MSCI All Country World Growth Index 31/12/96-30/04/2021
368–95–99.7 rule - Wikipedia
4In Depth | Earth – NASA Solar System Exploration
5Bloomberg – MSCI All Country World Value Index vs MSCI All Country World Growth Index
6StatPro, COB 6th November 2020 to COB 31st March 2021
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