Having been in consistent print since its first
publication in 1949, Benjamin Graham’s ‘Intelligent
Investor’ has, along with ‘Security Analysis’, provided
the philosophical foundation to thousands of
successful investment practitioners over the decades.
However, as Mark Twain said, “A classic is something
that everybody wants to have read, and nobody wants
to read”. Open almost any page of those two texts
however, and your mind will be enriched with the ideas
and thoughts of Graham, and like most literature that
has survived the test of time, you will soon realise why.
The concepts laid down by Graham over 70 years
ago sets an investor up with a sound, rational, mental
framework to deal with the vicissitudes of a hyperactive stock market, that swings between the emotions
of a broken-hearted teenager and a toddler’s first
taste of chocolate. But what does Graham not say? Is
the consensus view of value investing in line with the
thinking of Graham or has time distorted and twisted
the interpretation?
Leaning on the work of Eugene Fama and Kenneth
French, investing is often reduced to nothing more
than quantitative pigeonholing. A fund manager
strategy or a point-in-time valuation ratio of a listed
equity can then be boxed neatly into categories, pitted
against one another in an endless race where investors
are pressured to pick a side. Today, the consensus
is “value” investing is losing the race, with “growth”
investing in an unassailable lead. Perhaps though,
there are no “style” sides and instead a footrace exists
between investment and speculation, which can often
feel like a marathon. This takes us back to Graham.
Graham’s core tenets seek to teach us how to act
like investors rather than speculators. The margin
of safety concept sits at the heart of this approach
and simply advises that the investor should only
purchase securities where a gap exists between their
conservative estimate of intrinsic value, and the price
at which the security is being offered. In Graham’s
words, “the function of the margin of safety is, in
essence, that of rendering unnecessary an accurate
estimate of the future”.
The example of Microsoft provides an illustrative
example of Graham’s concept in practice. From 1999
to 2012, Microsoft’s free cash flow yield increased
from 1.6% to 13.1%1 , with equity holders of the
company suffering a -42% total return over the
period2. The speculative era of 1999 had faded away
and in 2012, an opportunity for a conservative investor
was available.
Value investing today is assumed to be a blind
investment in the optically cheap but in ‘Security
Analysis’, Graham emphasises that “an investment
operation is one that can be justified on both
qualitative and quantitative grounds”. A cursory
glance at the data in 2012 would have shown you
that despite the share price halving since 1999, the
business was fundamentally strong, with consistent
revenue and cash flow growth over the period3 and
Microsoft Windows remaining the dominant operating
system in an ever-increasing world of computer usage
1,2&3Bloomberg Finance L.P.
In case you missed it
A black swan
passes by
By Robert White, CFA
As is often the case with sport, parallels can be found in markets. Firstly, markets give everyone the opportunity to have as many shots as you like before you become successful, as opposed to footballers who have just one attempt during a shootout.
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