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The science of success

There’s more than one path to financial success

It’s the perfect time to start making your money moves in 2023. Take control of your finances by having additional cashflows to help you live the life you want. Here’s some ideas.

  • Save more with a high-interest savings account. Sign up for Momentum Money and earn a compelling interest rate on your savings balance.
  • Earn more with dividend investing. Buy stocks in a company and receive cash payouts as a shareholder.
  • Make extra money with a side hustle. An entrepreneurship path can give you additional cash.

Make your money moves today. Speak to one of our financial advisers to find out how.

Momentum x Unisa

Momentum and the University of South Africa (Unisa) Science of Success Insights 2022 Momentum and the University of South Africa (Unisa) Science of Success Insights 2022 result from a partnership of over 11 years. Each year, we’ve provided expert-led and research-backed insights into the finances of South African households.

Recent events and prevailing economic uncertainty have reminded us that we don’t have control over what happens worldwide. The good news is that there is a formula for financial success. Making reactive moves can lead to regrets, but financial success can be achieved through insightful advice, empowering tools and sound money habits.

Activate your financial comeback

Conveniently access all the latest Momentum Unisa Financial Wellness Index findings through easily digestible yet informative summarised cheat sheets geared to helping you activate your financial comeback.

Give your money game the edge

Get an in-depth look into the latest research insights, and 5 Money Moves set to help you take control of your finances.

Success is a Science pledge

Take the pledge to embrace your journey to financial success and wellbeing with all its challenges and victories.


Household types and their financial goals

Couples (with or without children) who set financial goals had the highest Financial Wellness Index scores, exceeding the national average. The difference in the Financial Wellness Index scores is relatively large between those with and without goals, again highlighting the importance of setting and pursuing goals as key drivers towards financial wellness.

Household types and their financial goals illustrated in the Science of Success Insights 2022

Financial wellness scores

In all types of households, those with financial goals had a higher financial wellness score compared to those without any goals. Single households with minor children who had no goals had the lowest Financial Wellness Index scores.

Financial wellness scores illustrated in the Science of Success Insights 2022

5 Money moves to help you build financial resilience

Identify Make a list of all your personal and financial needs and wants, i.e., the goals you set for yourself.
Prioritise Prioritise your household’s needs and wants and put timelines to this.
Develop Write down your household’s financial plan by setting financial goals based on your evaluation in step 2.
Implement Know how to roll out your plan and by when. Ensure that your entire household is also onboard.
Adjust Review your plan on a regular basis – at least once a year – and make the necessary adjustments to stay on track.

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Switch up your money moves with #SuccessIsAScience.

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