Mom kisses her young daughter on her head. Mom kisses her young daughter on her head.

Critical illness cover

Get a critical illness cover quote to financially protect you and your family if you are diagnosed with a critical illness and meet the required severity criteria.

Calculate your personalised critical illness premium discount of up to 35% with LifeReturns® to save on your monthly premiums. LifeReturns® is a modern approach to calculating maximum discounts on your monthly critical illness premium using the latest digital technology to quickly and accurately assess your health risk factors that are used to calculate your monthly premium price.

  • Receive a tax-free lump sum payout that you can use to pay for your lifestyle adjustments or to offset shortfalls in your medical aid costs.
  • Your children will be financially cared for from birth until they are 18 at no extra cost.
  • Save up to 35% on your monthly premium with a personalised LifeReturns® premium discount.
Young mom and dad are walking in the park. The dad is carrying his son on his shoulders.


Save money on your critical illness premium

Get critical illness cover that helps you save every month. LifeReturns® uses the latest technology to quickly and accurately assess your health risk factors to calculate your personalised critical illness premium discount.

What is critical illness cover?

Critical illness cover, also known as dread disease cover, helps pay for additional medical expenses and lifestyle adjustments.

Surviving a critical illness isn’t easy, but with the right cover, you can focus on recovery - instead of the medical bills. Critical illness cover offers financial protection against illnesses such as heart attack, cancer, stroke, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. It also covers injuries from accidents such as paraplegia, major burns, and brain damage.

This cover pays out a lump sum amount that you can use to pay for additional medical expenses and lifestyle adjustments.

Do I need critical illness cover if I have medical aid?

Consider how you will pay for extra costs not covered by your medical aid.

Advances in medical care mean that people can now survive illnesses once thought to be fatal. Although many people lead relatively normal lives after suffering a critical illness event, you may require financial assistance to cover any lifestyle changes or extra costs not covered by your medical aid.

Medical aid schemes provide decent cover while you’re in the hospital. The problem starts with your out-of-hospital expenses and chronic medication and typically medical aids don't cover cutting-edge experimental treatments. Heart diseases, stroke, and cancer may leave you with a huge financial burden, even if you're on a relatively good medical aid.

How much critical illness cover do I need?

Generally, you should get the most cover you can afford.

Because the financial impact of a critical illness will vary from person to person, there is no scientific way to determine the benefit amount of a critical illness benefit. You should get the most cover you can afford. By adding Longevity Protector® - Critical Illness Benefit to your critical illness cover, you may qualify for a Longevity Protector® critical illness payment every 5 years, paying 10% of the critical illness claim amount. Additionally, if you never make a claim, you will receive 20% of the critical illness benefit at age 80 through the unique Longevity Enhancer.

Critical illness 2023 claims stats

We're committed to safeguarding our clients' paths to success, regardless of the obstacles they face.

  • In 2023, we paid out R830 million in critical illness claims.
  • The largest claim amount was for R8 162 749.
  • The youngest claimant was a 23-year-old male with stage I testicular cancer.
  • The oldest claimant was an 83-year-old male who underwent a cardiovascular bypass graft (the well-known 'CABG' procedure).

What am I covered for?

We offer you complete protection spanning the whole body.

Apart from the big 4 namely cancer, heart attack, stroke, and coronary artery bypass graft, the critical illness benefits cover numerous other life-changing conditions.

Conditions covered

  1. Cancer.
  2. Cardiac and arterial system e.g. Heart attack.
  3. Connective tissue disease e.g. Rheumatoid Arthritis.
  4. Ear, nose and throat system e.g. Loss of speech.
  5. Endocrine and metabolic diseases e.g. Diagnosis of type 1 diabetes.
  6. Digestive system e.g. Chron's disease or ulcerative colitis with recurrent surgery.
  7. HIV and Aids.
  8. Major burns.
  9. Muscles, bones and joints e.g. Hip joint replacement.
  10. Brain and nerves e.g. Motor neuron disease.
  11. Lungs and breathing e.g. Respiratory failure.
  12. Severe aplastic anemia.
  13. Terminal illness e.g. Chronic lung problems.
  14. Trauma e.g. Coma.
  15. Kidney and urinary tract e.g. Kidney failure.
  16. Visual system e.g. Total and permanent loss of sight in one or both eyes.

Key benefits

Automatically covers your children from birth until they are 18 years old. This benefit amount equals 10% of the parents’ benefit amount and is limited to R250 000 per insured parent.

Covers you for conditions that may not be covered under a particular category, but would qualify as a result of the severity of the impairment it causes.

Want to know more?

Claims and payouts

When the person insured or their biological or legally adopted child does not meet the requirements of one of the defined critical illness claim events.

The benefit amount will be paid out to the policyholder.

We will pay as soon as the relevant medical proof that the event falls under one of the defined critical illness claim events, has been received.

No. This benefit is tax-free.


The premium depends on the person insured's age, gender, smoker status, and health as well as the premium pattern chosen at the outset of the policy.

If you skip a payment, the policy won’t lapse as long as we receive a payment within the 30 days grace period.

Cover term and amount

If the person insured chose an increasing cover amount during the application process, the cover amount will increase annually and so will the policy

The person insured can choose how long he/she wants to be covered for - either for life, for a specific term or to age 65.

Yes, the cover amount can be changed through an alteration process.

Additional benefits

You can add these additional benefits to your critical illness cover. Discuss the advantages of taking out any additional benefits with a certified financial adviser.

Beautiful, red, air-purifying bromeliad plant with greenery.

Specified Claim Event Enhancer

When this supporting benefit is added to the complete critical illness benefit, it enhances the tiered payouts of the 25%, 50% and 75% severities for the four most common critical illnesses, namely cancer, stroke, heart attack and coronary artery bypass grafts, up to 100%.

Loving senior couple hugging and consoling each other.

Breadth of Cover Guarantee

Breadth of Cover Guarantee™ is a benefit unique to Momentum that ensures you will receive a payout for all defined critical illness events covered by us and any other life insurance company.

Elderly man sitting at a table in café drinking a cup of coffee and looking out the window with a view of the shops in front of him.

Longevity Protector - Critical Illness Benefit

In the event of a claim under your critical illness benefit, you may qualify for a Longevity Protector® critical illness payment every 5 years, paying 10% of the critical illness claim amount. If you never claim, you will receive 20% of the critical illness benefit at age 80 through the unique Longevity Enhancer.

Want a quote?

You’ll get a quote reflecting your premium and LifeReturns® premium discount at the end of the process.

Need advice?

Discuss the benefits of having critical illness cover with a certified financial adviser.

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Contact Momentum life insurance

Business hours are Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 17:00. We're closed on weekends and public holidays.

Business hours are Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 17:00. We're closed on weekends and public holidays.

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Please use the applicable email address above for your relevant claim type. If you send your claim documents to the incorrect email, your claim handling could be delayed.

International number

+27 11 505 1552

Business hours are Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 17:00. We’re closed on weekends and public holidays.

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