Happy mom and dad riding bicycles outdoors with their two children riding their bicycles ahead of their mother and father. Happy mom and dad riding bicycles outdoors with their two children riding their bicycles ahead of their mother and father.

Extender Option

Includes hospital cover from a choice of providers, including a built-in 25% medical savings account for Day-to-day Benefits, and Extended Cover benefits once you reach the Threshold amount. There are also additional Chronic Benefits.

  • Includes a range of benefits, such as preventative screening tests and specific check-ups.
  • Use the voluntary HealthSaver+ for additional day-to-day expenses.
  • Our maternity programme includes comprehensive benefits to care for you during your pregnancy.

R7 215 per month

In-hospital Benefits

You can choose to have access to any hospital in South Africa or choose to save on your contribution (Provider Choice) by electing to use a specific list of private hospitals.

Any private hospital

These are any private hospitals within
South Africa.

Associated hospitals

Save on your monthly contributions by using a specific network of private hospitals.

Chronic treatment

To save even more on your contributions, you have the option to choose between:

Any provider

You can choose to have access to any GP for your chronic scripts and any pharmacy for your chronic medication.

Associated providers

Save on your monthly contribution by choosing from our Associated GPs for your chronic script and Medipost courier pharmacy for your chronic medication.

State facilities

You can choose to use State facilities for your chronic script, medication and treatment to obtain the maximum contribution saving.

Day-to-day Benefit

To save on your contribution you have the option to choose between:

Savings account

25% of your contribution goes to a built-in savings account to cover day-to-day expenses.


If you need day-to-day cover, you can make use of the HealthSaver+.

Free health screening cover

Health Platform Benefit

Provides cover for a range of benefits, such as preventative screening tests, certain check-ups, and more.

See how much you can save

Calculate how much you can save as a single member.

Medical aid contribution savings

This is how much you can save on the Custom Option as a single member.

1. Select hospital provider

Your choice for planned procedures. In the event of an emergency, you can go to any hospital, regardless of your hospital choice.

2. Select chronic provider

Chronic medication is the treatment for certain life-threatening conditions that need ongoing treatment.


Monthly contribution

R10 381 R9 160 R8 196 R9 129 R8 253 R7 215
Monthly contribution
R8 605 R7 664 R6 827 R7 567 R6 905 R6 009
Total savings
R0 R941 R1 778 R1 038 R1 700 R2 596
The actual amount you save depends on your medical aid option, the number of dependants on Momentum Medical Scheme, as well as your choice of providers.

What does the Extender Option cover?

This benefit covers hospitalisation as well as some out-of-hospital procedures or treatments that can be safely performed in a doctor's room or day hospital.

Hospital choice

Available at Any or Associated hospitals.


  • Associated specialists are covered in full. Other specialists are covered up to 200% of the Momentum Medical Scheme Rate.
  • Hospital accounts are covered in full at the rate agreed upon with the hospital group.
High and intensive care
No annual limit.
Specialised dentistry
  • Certain in-hospital dental and oral benefits covered from Major Medical Benefit.
  • Co-payments may apply, depending on the procedure.
No annual limit on maternity confinement and neonatal intensive care.
  • Covered up to R500 000 per beneficiary per year, thereafter a 20% co-payment applies.
  • Momentum Medical Scheme reference pricing applies to chemotherapy and adjuvant medication.
Organ transplant
No annual limit.
MRI and CT scans, magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography, whole body radioisotope and PET scans
  • No annual limit.
  • You need to pay a co-payment of R2 900 per scan.
Medical rehabilitation, private nursing, Hospice, and step-down facilities
R72 000 per family.
Trauma benefit
Certain day-to-day claims that form part of your recovery following specific traumatic events.
Health management programmes for conditions such as chronic renal disease, organ transplants, mental health, HIV/Aids and oncology
Your doctor needs to register you on the appropriate health management programme.

Immune deficiency related to HIV
  • Anti-retroviral treatment - HIV-related admissions
  • No annual limit applies at preferred provider R92 600 per family at your chosen hospital provider.

Emergency medical transport in South Africa by Netcare 911
No annual limit applies.

International emergency medical transport by preferred provider
R8 220 000 per beneficiary per 90-day journey. This benefit includes R15 500 for emergency optometry, R15 500 for emergency dentistry and R765 000 terrorism cover. A R2 180 co-payment applies per emergency out-patient claim

Take-home medication
7 days' supply.

Specialised procedures/treatment

Certain specialised procedures/treatments
Certain specialised procedures/treatments are covered when clinically appropriate, in and out-of-hospital.
*Prescribed Minimum Benefits (PMB) is a set of defined benefits to ensure that all medical scheme members have access to certain minimum health services, regardless of the benefit option they have selected. The aim is to provide members with continuous care to improve their health and well-being and to make healthcare more affordable.
This benefit covers everyday medical expenses, such as doctor visits and prescribed medication.

Network provider

Available from:
Any, Associated, or State providers.


*Prescribed Minimum Benefits (PMB) is a set of defined benefits to ensure that all medical scheme members have access to certain minimum health services, regardless of the benefit option they have selected. The aim is to provide members with continuous care to improve their health and well-being and to make healthcare more affordable.
This benefit covers everyday medical expenses, such as doctor visits and prescribed medication.

Network provider

Available from:
Any or Associated GPs , depending on your chronic provider choice.


Savings account
  • 25% of your contribution goes to a built-in Savings account to cover your day-to-day expenses.
  • Your Savings account is credited in advance for the year and any unused Savings balance at the end of the year will be carried forward to the following benefit year.
  • If the Savings are not enough to cover annual day-to-day expenses, you will have a self-funding gap to pay out-of-pocket, up to the Threshold of R33 400 (principal member), R29 000 (adult dependant), R9 600 (per child, up to a maximum of 3 children).
  • Although claims add up to the Threshold at 100% of the Momentum Medical Scheme Rate, you may claim a higher amount from Savings if the provider charges more than the Momentum Medical Scheme Rate. This will result in a bigger self-funding gap. You can use HealthSaver+ to fund your self-funding gap.
  • Once the Threshold has been reached, claims will be paid from Extended Cover at the Momentum Medical Scheme Rate, subject to certain sub-limits. These day-to-day limits accumulate before and after the Threshold.


General practitioners
  • If you choose Any or State as your chronic provider, we cover 100% of the Momentum Medical Scheme Rate.
  • If you choose Associated provider for your chronic needs, we cover 100% of the Momentum Medical Scheme Rate for Associated GPs and 70% for non-Associated GPs.
Eye care
  • You are covered up to R5 300, subject to Savings or Extended Cover, to use on eye care per beneficiary.
  • The maximum amount you can spend on a frame is R2 890.
Dentistry - specialised
  • There is no limit for basic dentistry; covered at 100% of the Momentum Medical Scheme Rate from your available Day-to-day Benefits.
  • Dental specialist accounts for extraction of impacted wisdom teeth in doctors’ rooms covered from Major Medical Benefit at 100% of the Momentum Medical Scheme Rate. You need to pay a R1 750 co-payment.
  • Other specialised dentistry is paid from available Day-to-day Benefits, limited to 17 300 per beneficiary and 44 900 per family per year.
  • Both in- and out-of-hospital dental specialist accounts accumulate towards the day-to-day limit.
  • You are covered up to R22 200 per beneficiary, to use on prescribed medication, subject to Savings or Extended Cover.
  • The maximum amount you can spend on prescribed medication is R42 100 per family.
  • Over-the-counter medication is paid from Savings or HealthSaver+, if applicable.
Mental health
You are covered up to R25 200 per family per year, subject to Savings or Extended Cover.
Specialist visits
No limit applies to specialist visits. We cover you at 100% of the Momentum Medical Scheme Rate, subject to Savings or Extended Cover.
+ Momentum Medical Scheme members may choose to make use of additional products available from Momentum Group Limited and its subsidiaries as well as Momentum Multiply (herein collectively referred to as Momentum). Momentum is not a medical scheme and is a separate entity to Momentum Medical Scheme. Momentum products are not medical scheme benefits. You may be a member of Momentum Medical Scheme without taking any of the products offered by Momentum.

A unique benefit that encourages health awareness, enhances quality of life, and gives peace of mind through preventative care and early detection tests.

Network provider

Available from:
Any or Associated providers, depending on your Provider Choice.


Preventative care includes:
  • baby immunisations covered up to the age of 6,
  • flu vaccines,
  • pneumococcal vaccines, and
  • tetanus-diphtheria injections.
Early detection tests include:
  • mammograms,
  • bone density scans,
  • pap smears,
  • dental consultations,
  • general physical examinations,
  • prostate specific antigen tests,
  • health assessments,
  • cholesterol tests,
  • blood sugar tests, and
  • HIV tests.
Maternity programme
Our comprehensive maternity programme is aimed at providing members with the support and quality care they need during their pregnancy and after delivery. The benefits include:
  • 12 antenatal visits, including urine tests (dipstick),
  • 2 pregnancy scans,
  • certain antenatal pathology tests,
  • 2 doula visits,
  • 2 paediatrician visits in baby’s first year,
  • online antenatal and postnatal classes,
  • online video consultations with a lactation specialist, and
  • 3 nurse home visits; first visit after returning from the hospital, as well as 2 and 6 weeks later.

This is only a summary of our benefits. Read the Extender Option brochure for more details. Momentum Medical Scheme’s Rules apply.

Compare medical aid options

Compare the cover and benefits of 2 Momentum Medical Scheme options side-by-side to find the most budget-friendly option to suit your needs.


Convenient, innovative
features, unique to our
medical aid.


An incentive programme that rewards you for taking ownership of your health. We aim to help you stay informed about your health status and reward you for staying healthy.



A voluntary savings account that works seamlessly with your medical aid. It pays for treatments and procedures not covered by your option.

R40 admin fee per year

Hello Doctor+

Get free expert health advice from qualified South African medical doctors through your phone or mobile device, 24/7/365.



Gap cover helps you avoid unexpected shortfalls for hospitalisation and certain procedures performed out of hospital.

From R259 per month

+ Momentum Medical Scheme members may choose to make use of additional products available from Momentum Group Limited and its subsidiaries as well as Momentum Multiply (herein collectively referred to as Momentum). Momentum is not a medical scheme and is a separate entity to Momentum Medical Scheme. Momentum products are not medical scheme benefits. You may be a member of Momentum Medical Scheme without taking any of the products offered by Momentum.

Young fit couple in gym gear sitting on the street, smiling, and looking at the young man’s fitness watch that’s tracking health activity for Momentum Multiply points.


Enjoy exclusive rewards

Multiply encourages and rewards members for making healthier choices! Multiply Inspire is available to you for free. You can upgrade to Multiply Inspire Plus and earn up to R1 000 per beneficiary per month.

Want a quote?

You'll get a quote reflecting the medical aid contribution at the end of the process.

Need advice?

An accredited healthcare consultant will call you to discuss our medical aid options and benefits.

Contact Momentum Medical Scheme

Join an online help session.

Business hours are Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 17:00. Saturdays from 08:00 to 16:00.
Closed on Sundays and public holidays.

Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

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